Monday, July 27, 2009

How to Play

Choose a challenge card.
Use the clues on the card to place the chocolates in the correct position.

Choose a challenge card.
Match the bots to the card. Bots may only jumping over one or two other bots.
The object is to get the red bot to the red circle. Horizontal and vertical moves only are allowed. Two large bots are unable to fit beside each other.

Several ways of playing.
Flip tiles so numbers face up.
Take tiles 1,2 and 3. Note colour of tile 3 - yellow.
Make a yellow loop. Grab tile 4. Note colour. Make a loop of that colour using the first 4 tiles and so on.

Choose a challenge card.
Match the vehicles to the card.
Move vehicles forward or backward to allow the red car to escape through the gap.

Choose a challenge card.
Match the figures to the card. The goal is to move Pete (red) to the centre circle.
Figures may only move if they are in line vertically or horizontally with each other.
When figures move they must stop at the circle immediately beside the figure that they are in line with.

Choose a challenge card.
Match the frogs to the card.
Object of the game is to leave the red frog remaining.
Frogs may only move by jumping over one other frog and landing on the peg immediately beside. remove the frog that has been jumped over.

Choose a challenge card.
Fill the holes with tree stumps. Place planks between the stumps only where there is a shaded section.
Object is to get the man from one side of the river to the other.
Man may walk along the planks, he may stand on a stump, pick up the plank and place it to link to the next stump.
Planks must fit precisely, no plank fits diagonally.

Choose a challenge card.
Match the crates to the card. Place the man at the red square to start. Object is to move man to the red crate.
Crates may be tipped over horizontally or vertically. Man may walk along fallen crates and along the tops of crates. He may only move from one crate to another if they are lying beside each other.

Choose a challenge card.
Use the six tiles to place them on the planing board so that the airplanes fit perfectly over the challenge card.

Choose a challenge card.
Place the tiles on the board to match the card.
The video is in Spanish but you'll get the idea.

Choose a challenge card.
Match the animals and jeep to the card. Object is to allow the jeep to escape through the gap. Animals may move forward or backward. Jeep may move forward or backward, vertically and horizontally.

Choose a challenge card.
Match figures to card. X = the man. Green objects are fixed and cannot move. Arrow pieces can only be pushed by the man forwards or backwards only in the direction they are indicating. Object is for the man to push the gold out the gap.

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